Thrifting is not merely a job or a hobby that people usually do for money or fun. It can sometimes be a therapy and help people feel better like what happened to the beautiful soul Fara Romero.
She actually works as a house cleaner and as a hobby/part time job she resells stuff she finds at thrift stores, but it started off just as a hobby and not being able to afford much.
She said,”The past 10 years I suffered from Graves Disease, had my thyroid removed, then discovered Endometriosis so I had to undergo a hysterectomy, and was recently diagnosed with MCAS which stands for “Mast Cell Activation Syndrome” and that had made me allergic to just about every food. Because of all these health issues and my medical debt, as well as being debilited with severe chronic symptoms and fatigue, I needed a way to set my own work hours and make extra money to help me afford my healthcare and basic living. So I turned to thrifting.” Check out her Etsy shop
“Thrifting has been something I deeply look forward to doing that helps keep my mind off of my stress, it helps keep me motivated to my new finds, and it is just so much fun to find things, UNIQUE and BEAUTIFUL things for myself as well that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford. So although I do it part time as a reseller, I do very often keep a lot of what I find.” Check out her other shop
“I love modeling most of what I find even if it’s just in my small little bedroom. Wearing my finds makes me feel good and makes other happy to see my posts too! I usually go to Goodwill, The Salvation Army, and Savers. Those are my 3 main second hand shops. I usually take my mom as a time to hang out with each other and she graciously doesn’t mind me using her senior discounts,” she added.
“I don’t only look for things to keep or resell, but I like to find differen’t pieces of clothing and fabric I can use to create an “upcycled” outfit like my Strawberry Shortcake pants I upocycled by using a pink pair of Corderoy pants and vintage Strawberry Shortcake bedssheet. I bought both at Goodwill. The Strawberry Shortcake bedsheet had a massive stain, but I wanted to still salvage some of the images to create something fun and unique.”
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Fb Page: Link
Etsy Store: Link
Other Store: Link